One Million Likes Video - Leaks

By: Ambuaz in: ESO News and Updates

One Million likes video was great and funny but not many people could notice that it contains some real pictures from Elder Scrolls Online game. We are sure that these special “leaks” are provided by ZeniMax team to make the video more interesting. We are going to review all these moments. Here is the official video. You will need it to check everything yourself.

Redguardian woman?

The first picture can be found at 00:28. Look at the screen of PC behind the woman’s head. What can you see there?

We are sure that the screen shows a woman. :) Her dark-read skin tells us that she probably belongs to Redguards. So it is a Redguardian woman. But what process is shown on the screen?

The first guess: it seems that it is a moment of creating a character. Do you see two big white arrows in the bottom? It seems the arrows allow to rotate the character. Two smaller arrows allow to zoom in or zoom out the picture. The second guess is that it is a picture from login screen. Something like “choose your character and start playing”. Do you see something in a top left corner? It can be a dropdown list of all your characters. But we think that it is not the best guess because there is no “Start Playing” button there. Maybe this button is not visible because of women’s head. Anyway there is no other information about this and we can only guess.

Did you notice that eyes of Redguardian woman blink?

Health and Stamina bars?

The second interesting moment in One Million Likes video can be found at 00:34. We can see a guy and his PC on the left. What is displayed on the screen of his computer?

Well, our guess is that it is in-game picture. Maybe it shows a dungeon or a building from inside. There are also two big stripes: red and green. What are these two stripes for? Some people think that these are health and stamina bars. It is a good guess. But why the bars are so huge and are situated right above the UI? Our guess is that these two objects are not bars; these objects are buttons asking a player to choose something. If you look at these buttons you will see something white on each. It can be a text. It is unreadable but it seems it is a caption of buttons. Moreover you can even see a cursor moved to a red button. Anyway it is a guess. As you can see the quality of the picture is low and we can not see details there.

Thanks ZeniMax for these interesting moments. By the way, if you have your own opinion about the pictures, tell it in comments below.

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